About Our SharePoint Training
Companies have found that SharePoint is a great platform for content management. Documents, records, spreadsheets etc. are better integrated in SharePoint internal sites by allowing collaboration between all employees in the department. In fact…
- 82% of Fortune 500 companies use SharePoint.
- Over half of all US company intranets are developed using SharePoint.
But just the act of installing SharePoint doesn’t guarantee implementation by employees throughout your company. SharePoint is very intuitive, but your organization needs to develop a strategy to foster employee usage and collaboration.
Enter SharePoint Atlanta
With SharePoint Atlanta’s training we give SharePoint users the information they need to unlock SharePoint’s robust capabilities. A major focus of our presentation is on SharePoint’s collaboration features – that employees can use to increase their efficiency and productivity. Managers find that SharePoint’s biggest benefit is unlocking new and innovative ideas from their people.
Two Types Of SharePoint Training
Because SharePoint is a software platform rather than just a standalone software, two distinct actions need to occur.
1. A platform needs to be developed so that…
2. Users can collaborate and use files.
You might use the simple analogy of a 2-step process on a child’s toy. You need to wind it up… and then let it go.
Because of this differentiation SharePoint Atlanta offers two types of training. One seminar is for administrators (those who will be developing the intranet sites, etc.) and another seminar is for users (those collaborating and using files).
Administrator Seminar – This training is developed for the people within an organization who are going to be creating and organizing the SharePoint projects, workflows, and intranet sites. When managers practice proper SharePoint development, it helps make sure that departments are more organized, tasks get assigned, and information doesn’t slip through the cracks.
Managers will also find that the Admin Seminar helps alleviate the SharePoint supervisory burden from the IT department. By putting access and knowledge in the hands of people who know the precise goals and objectives for the department, administrators can create what they want without having to rely heavily on IT.
User Seminar – This training is geared for all other employees who will need to learn how to use the collaborative and backup features of SharePoint. One of the most impressive features of SharePoint is the search capabilities. Many small to medium companies that don’t use SharePoint typically have a shared drive that is cluttered and chaotic – making it hard to find information. In this seminar we outline how SharePoint discourages the use of folders and instead relies on its incredible search capabilities.
We Emphasize Collaboration Techniques
Focusing on only the technical aspects of SharePoint would be denying “food for thought” to the right side of our attendees’ brains. So in our SharePoint training we also feel that it’s important to learn about “people-centric” non-SharePoint collaboration techniques and methods.
One word that epitomizes the overall essence of SharePoint is the concept of “Kaizen.” Kaizen is a Japanese word that means “continuous improvement” and was a philosophy that became popular (and studied very closely) back in the 80s. The significance of Kaizen is that small changes every day create a huge positive snowballing effect on the overall quality of an objective. Small improvements end up improving upon the old improvements (and so on, and so on…) and you end up getting a remarkable compounding of quality.
Visualize a SharePoint server where continuous collaboration and improvement is taking place. Every day the information is getting small tweaks, changes, and revisions, making the data better and better. In practically no time your team can create a huge trove of valuable and cutting-edge information.
A great example of this type of “Kaizen collaboration” is Wikipedia. Wikipedia started in 2001 with about 5000 articles, and today contains over 35 million articles and is the seventh most popular website in the world. All this information was slowly contributed by users expanding/improving upon information that was written by previous users (and so on, and so on…).
Interesting Results
Managers that are focused on organization and collaboration often are the initiators in implementing a platform like SharePoint. Once the system gets put in place, many observers are surprised by the diverse amount of employees that take a real liking to the system and end up “taking the ball and running with it.” Many employees that are not known for their collaborative efforts in the past are often times the ones providing some of the best ideas.
You’ll also find that even the “old-school” employees will embrace a SharePoint program because learning all the ins-and-outs of how their information is backed up securely (even old revisions) gives them greater peace of mind.
SharePoint training will help foster improved information, collaboration, and communication for employees of all types.